Thursday, July 22, 2010

WEEK 10. Homeland Security

Our assignment this week was to use data we prepared last week to assess locations of critical infrastructure and various line-of-sight surveillance points in relation to NORAD command center at Cheyenne Mountain, Colorado.

This lab went fairly smoothly for me. Despite my slow server, I think I have the advantage of working in a different time zone, and not 'sharing' ARCGIS with many other users.

To anyone living in the developing world, NORAD has a completely different meaning. It's the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, a major donor in this part of the world. So this acronym was a little confusing for me to associate with American Homeland Security.

Map 1. Location of the heliport

Map 2. Egress and Ingress points into the Heliport buffer zone.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

WEEK 8. DC Law Enforcement

1. Base Map of Washington DC

2. Proximity of Crimes to Police Stations

3. Kernel Densities of Various Crimes