Thursday, January 28, 2010

Week 1 Lab

Finally I have access to the course software, and am able to start using ArcMap! I have quite some catching up to do.

Module 1: Exploring a GIS Map

Excercise: Planning a trip to San Diego

I found the ESRI Virtual Campus course instructions simple and easy to follow and had no problems with this first assignment. It is good to start getting a feel for how GIS works.

Module 1: Using GIS to Solve Problems

Excercise: Find potential sites for a Youth Center

I had a few more problems here, but that was only because I lost the remote desktop connection half way through the excercise. Luckily I had saved the file and only had to repeat a few steps. Lesson learned! Don't forget to SAVE!

I played around a bit with the map layout. I change the text size of the labels and legends, but I did not find this very intuitive. I had to ask for help.

Looking forward to finding out more about what ArcMap can do!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year and welcome to my Intro to GIS blog, from a sunny, warm and humid Lilongwe.